The cost for enrolling in this program is $150.
Before enrolling, a student/family will meet with Dr. Barglow, in person or by telephone, to determine whether the program will work well for you. Upon enrollment, you, the student, will be paired up with a tutor, who will assist you in preparing for the four subject areas of the SAT.
You and your tutor will discuss and agree upon a test target date and a preparation plan and schedule that meet your needs. (Click here to see a sample preparation schedule.) At your own pace, you will then go through the on-line program and the exercises from the official SAT guide.
This ACT prep program has been designed to be simple to use. We anticipate that one hour of personal tutoring (included in the cost of this program) will provide you with sufficient guidance to complete the program successfully. You may, however, need additional assistance to learn to write a high-scoring SAT essay.